An earlier article dealt with putting a car into self storage, but what about the more specialised sector of the auto market? For some people, cars are more than for just getting around a bit, they have their aesthetic merits and are therefore deemed highly collectable. With collectability comes the acquisition of older cars with […more]
Unlike wine, which has a long provenance and all sorts of traditions associated with it, the international craft beer movement is relatively young and right now is seeing a large boost in popularity. In the hunt for new breweries and exciting new flavours you may find yourself falling in love with a particular microbrew and […more]
If you are entrusting a chunk of your possessions to somebody else’s guardianship, you ought to ensure that you are satisfied with security arrangements at the self storage units near you that you have chosen. This is a key part of the agreement and understanding between parties in a self storage contract, and you will […more]
Moving business location can be daunting and full of all sorts of logistical complications. It may not just be a simple move from A to B, it can also be the end of one era and the start of another – the new office may have double floor space across a larger building for expanding […more]
You can’t beat a good book, but some of us may find the opportunity to read books dwindling. The present age offers different entertainment experiences – we can store all of our books on one kindle device rather than keeping shelves of them, and for those of us that used to follow magazines, the internet […more]
In the old days you could put your behemoth TV set into a box of its own with a bit of padding and be done with it. Now we are in the age of the LCD screen, this becomes a little trickier. The apparatus these days is flat so packing in a regular storage box means […more]
When it comes to moving house and putting things into storage near you, there is certainly a duty of care that comes with dealing with kitchen items, particularly those plates, cups and fine china that could easily break when least expected. Whilst they are often bundled in with other household items and lots of newspaper […more]
No this isn’t a badly timed photo of my living room. It is in fact a recreation of a student bedsit in a self storage facility. And it isn’t borne from an ill advised housing scheme either. Let me explain. In the mid-90s, Acorn Storage Centre in Wembley was overrun with artists. Not by chance, […more]
Many office based workers show a little envy for those whose working arrangements allow them to be based at home. The drudgery of cramming yourself onto the public transport system or sitting in traffic jams amongst the school traffic, only to try to do your job amongst the distractions of others when you get there…however […more]
Mattresses in the grand scheme of things are one of the most important household items when it comes to sheer familiarity, we spend a great deal of time on them and we all know whether we prefer a “soft” or “hard” mattress. It can make the difference between a night’s sleep and really good night’s […more]