In today’s lifestyle, we have learnt to pack in as much as possible to our decreasingly sized homes. Extra storage is on the wishlist of pretty much anybody concerning their property, and solutions abound to store particular types of household item in the most efficient way. Even more so, opinions are everywhere on this matter, from those […more]
Having your house redecorated can be an exciting occasion to get your property feeling more like your own home, with all the features you would love to enjoy. Alternatively it can be a difficult time where you need to calculatedly strip away the character and develop a more neutral ambience for when your property goes […more]
Back when we wrote about the alternatives out there to traditional self storage, mention was made about schemes where either side of the arrangement could advertise their storage wants or capabilities on the web and negotiate a plan together. For example, somebody requiring storage space for items could go on the lookout for a notice […more]
One of the staple items involved in storing or moving pretty much anything is the box. Being able to pack items within a confined unit that can be easily moved and stacked is such a fundamental concept, and without them you are not going to be able to keep your storage area tidy and easy to […more]
One of the benefits of self storage is that, certain things excepting, your storage facility is not going to be at all fussed about exactly what it is you are storing in the space they are providing for you. This is a fact welcomed by those of us who have interests and hobbies that end […more]
The term “climate controlled storage” is used a lot amongst self storage promotional literature to conjure up the perfect storage environment, indeed it has already been used a number of times on this website. But what actually do we mean by this phrase and what does the “climate controlled” element consist of? Many of us who want […more]
Moving house is usually a person’s first prompt to investigate the self storage possibilities near them. The reason for this is the evaluation the moving occasion provides on what possessions have truly been useful in their tenure in the last few years in the property, or those which have fallen by the wayside or were […more]
Many of us can only afford a place to live such as to be the exact size for us and our belongings, and to be able to move around a little bit. Without a disposable income it is pretty much unthinkable to have a wealth of empty space in your home, or rooms that lie […more]
We talked a bit about plastic boxes not very long ago, as they may be an attractive alternative to cardboard on many fronts. Plastic is a very durable material built to last, and even when not in storage plastic boxes can be used to keep items or carry out other household functions without looking too […more]
Storing your bicycle involves taking consideration of various factors, which we explored in a previous article. We gave lots of helpful tips there, which included cleaning and servicing your bike, and the best ways of preserving the longevity of your tyres. If you can get rid of any mud that has stuck to it, oil up […more]