A long while back we addressed the question of whether you can live in a storage unit, that is on a storage facility premises, and we counseled against the idea to put it mildly. However, there are some quite canny people out there who delight in getting as much out of a small space as […more]
Following on from the last article about the initial considerations to make if you want to take the plunge into running a self storage facility, it would be good to consider the numbers and where you are going with the business in a bit more detail. Getting the various components in place, location, building, insurance, […more]
We use ebay and other online auctioneers so often that we even forget what a revelation the system was when it came on board. Auctions were no longer a process that occurred behind closed doors on antiques and vintage collectors items for the sole benefit of the rich, obsessive and greedy, and you could now […more]
An item which is often packed away for storage is the humble toolkit. Whilst tools may seem rugged and sturdy to perform the tasks that human hands cannot, it is nonetheless the case that you’ve got to keep an eye on the condition of your tools so that they last a long time and are […more]
Like any sort of business, self storage companies need to have some sort of policy in place so that complaints and disputes can be dealt with in a formal manner. If you have serious concerns with your local storage provider, then you need to address these in a conversation, making reference to the terms of […more]
Damp is a problem that can really plague any living or storage environment if not attended to promptly. If you suspect or even predict a damp problem amongst the items you are storing, with the tell tale beginnings of mould and mustiness, prompt action needs to be taken. If your unit is not climate controlled, […more]
Self storage is a difficult proposition for advertising. There are many adverts out there that boast of the quality, spaciousness and friendliness of the facilities, but the pressure on advertisers and businesses for many years now has been to deliver something that is also very entertaining. Your film crew many never need go into your […more]
The self storage business has really boomed in some countries recently, as it has become a rapidly in demand solution for keeping hold of possessions for all sorts of customers. You might be thinking that this is in fact very easy – take over a warehouse, split it up into units, and do your best […more]
Entering into a storage auction may lead to some interesting and lucrative items, that’s the whole purpose we go into it. But every so often, there are such valuable hauls discovered that you wonder how they came to be abandoned in this way. 1. Genuine treasure bounty This is a well known case of a […more]
This article is a continuation of Part 1 in which we looked at ways of organising your storage unit so that retrieving items is a doddle. More tips are given here for ensuring that your goods remain impeccable during their storage lifetime. Furniture may take up a lot of unit space and it can help make […more]