Moving house is usually a person’s first prompt to investigate the self storage possibilities near them. The reason for this is the evaluation the moving occasion provides on what possessions have truly been useful in their tenure in the last few years in the property, or those which have fallen by the wayside or were never really that useful in the first place. Plus there are frequent logistical hassles that a move might present – moving in dates changing, redecoration, or a clearout in order to brush up the existing property for sale – all of which present an opportunity to put all the non-essentials into storage for the sake of sheer efficiency.
Whilst looking for a suitable self storage location, you would be best first assessing if there might be a lot of items that could be plain thrown away. Once you break the resistance with throwing items away, donating them or selling them, it will give you a much better picture of how your self storage could be most usefully employed. After all, you would much rather pay the money for storing items that are going to be found imminently useful once your move is complete, rather than simply offloading junk that you are never going to use again. It could also be a time when you might plan on replacing a few electrical items or pieces of furniture that have seen better days, so you have brand new equipment suitable for your new property. When you finally have a realistic assessment of how much space your non-essentials for storage are going to take up, then you can get hunting for quotes on a particular unit size.
Putting items in self storage requires a certain duty of care, just as the act of moving them from place to place does. Depending on the length of time that your items need to be in self storage, you will need to prepare the items in adequate boxes, ensuring that you are packing appropriately, and take care of anything that requires more specialist methods of storage (search our previous blogs for tips). Also bear in mind that the duration of storage, due to its ease and necessity, often lasts longer than you might expect, so it is best to overcompensate in your diligence in getting things ready for storage.
What may be of particular importance to both storing and moving is your insurance. It would be worth getting out your insurance policies for the household and any separate expensive pieces of equipment you are moving or storing, and give it a close read to check that items are covered when stored remotely or moved from place to place. If not, then you will need to get on the phone to your insurance company and see what can be done about this – your removals and storage companies will likely require insurance by procedure, if not directly offer this to you.
As you can see, the above will take time, and the most successful moves are ones where planning and taking early action have occurred – so if you have a move on the horizon best start making plans now before the stress levels get too high.
Posted in: Storage Info